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Lost Colony Trading Post Tuscarora Native American store items, beaded bags, horn rattles and beadwork

Nyá•wę čwé•ʔn ahskę•nę hęh

The people of the longhouse welcomes you


Lost Colony Trading Post is a Native American owned and operated business that was established in 1985 by Gary and Lottie Hardison in Pembroke NC. What began as a convenience store quickly morphed into one of eastern North Carolina’s largest Native American Arts and Craft stores. For many years the "Trading Post" was a favorite stop for people from all over North Carolina heading to the beach along highway 74.  With so many stunningly beautiful and unique items within our store, visitors soon learned we were much more than  refreshments  and bathrooms.  Hence, we became another important "make time to visit" stop for so many. 
Our new location, within the famed “Indian woods” of Bertie County NC, is only a few miles from the recently located Site X along the Albemarle Sound.  Site X is where the "Lost Colony of Roanoke" settled circa 1590. Today, the Trading Post continues to provide a wide variety of Craft supplies and authentic Native American Artwork from all across Turtle Island.  Although the Hardison family continues to be part of our work force  offering their expertise and decades of experience in the day to day running of things,  the business is now owned and operated by
Skaroreh Katenuaka (SKN)/ Tuscarora Nation of Indians. The Lost Colony Trading Post serves the citizens of SKN as a means of economic development.

Fresh White Ceremonial Wild Harvested Sage Isolated.jpg
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